What’s New with Power Flower Web Design – Kendell Hall

Hello everybody! It’s been awhile since I last did a newsletter or blogged etc! Between Designing, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram  Pinterest, and that thing called life there seems to be less time at the end of the day! But I miss communicating with all of you so here I am saying HELLO!! and wishing you all a great coming week, month, etc!

Voting! – I have already gone on-line and voted and hope you are able to do the same!
Website Launches – I have 6 new ones on the go presently so look for updates soon on when you can check out the new sites!
In The Community – I stayed on as Chairperson for an extra year for the London Chamber of Commerce Special Events & Networking Committee and have now transitioned into co-chair of Business After 5:00 as well as being on the Marketing & Communications Committee as well as being in the Networking Group the Business Accelerators!
Chamber of Commerce Biz After 5:00 Networking – If you ever want to come as my guest just let me know!
Canada Revenue – Red Tape Reduction Round table Consultant Session – was held on Oct 15th and I was thrilled to be part of being the voice of small business! “Be the Change You Want to See in the World”
Social Media – Yep it’s a pain HaaaHaaaHaaaa –  but it’s important, let me know how I can help you!
Branding- Are you well branded? Logo? Colours? Continuity? – If you’re questioning this part of your business let me know how I can help you!
FYI – Kendell – I have had an amazing fun year!
Running – You may not know that I run, I’m as slow as a turtle and my favorite run is 5K (the A.D.D in me gets bored really fast, HaaHaaHaaa) I have been sidelined by a Hamstring injury and have definitely learned a thing or 2 about running, injuries, healing, eating right ! I’m being taken care of by the Fowler Kennedy Clinic so I’m in good hands!
Races – so far 5 this year and hoping for more! It’s about me beating MY time, I’m not competing against anybody else…
Cycling – I love love love riding my bike! On a great week it’s almost 100K! and if we keep getting sunny skies and decent wether I will bike till I have ice falling off my nose!  HaaaHaaaHaaaa London has an incredible bike path and Ontario has incredible rail trails!
Family remember I am the youngest of 9 sooo at any given time it’s pretty busy! So where do I start! My nephew and his family came from out west this summer! it was incredible! My 2 great nephews are 3 and 6 and  were such and delight, we hit the beach, we hung out we hit Storybook Gardens and we miss them so much! We went to our other great nephews (I have many of them) Lacrosse tournament out of town and had a blast,  we went to our great nieces (we have many of them) Soccer games and I could go on and on because every single week-end is full of family “fun stuff” I’m soooo lucky so blessed!
My office was in the hospital for a week – 1 year ago this month I was in having my Gallbladder taken out….it was too far gone to be saved….. I was told over a year earlier my issues were “probably just an ulcer” after a trip to emerg, second trip to emerg and the news….it’s your gallbladder…..we’ll call you with your appointment date to have it out……….3rd trip to emerg, 3 days in the UH  and still sent home…..no time to fit my operation in……soooo trip #4 =  a Gallbladder ready to explode due to being full of sludge seeping out the top and bottom, Pancreatitus and now being Jaundice will land you in the hospital for a week with a few operations, LOL! But with enough of the good drugs and my laptop I was able to work work work with the most gorgeous view over the city of London and all the glorious trees in fall colour blooms! Not bad I must say!
Got any questions for me? Feel free to contact me anytime, I’m always here for you! 

The Power of the net & and Blogging

I am on my back deck in Canada yet I can follow a journey around India! …………. all thanks to Joseph Carl Robnett Licklider in 1962 and a 2011 blog by our UWO 2nd yr nursing niece Julia, who is part of the UWO India Health Initiative Team!

It was around 1962 when Joe Licklider envisioned a globally interconnected set of computers through which everyone could quickly access data and programs from any site………
And today, because of a vision, because of moving forward, because of technology I can follow a blog about a team of UWO Students who are actually IN India with the India Health Initiative Team making a difference in the lives of the under-privileged while I site on my back deck surrounded by privilege that I am not ashamed to admit I take for granite………until I am reminded not to………
Our niece, is second year nursing at UWO, and this summer she is part of IHI – India Health Imitative.
India Health Initiative http://www.indiahealthinitiative.blogspot.com
IHI is future health care professionals who are sponsored to go into India to work with non-government organizations (NGO’s) to make differences in the lives of the under-privileged.
The mission of IHI is to provide medical and social services to the people of India and to model well rounded, culturally sensitive health care professionals for the future.
Each year IHI sends a team of 3-5 medical, dentistry, nursing, and occupational therapy students to various sites in India with two chief mandates: Education and service.
IHI aims to encourage the education of well-rounded health care professionals for the future by providing opportunities for the development of clinical, research, teaching and communication skills in various cultural and socio-economic settings, and by exposing students to complex public health issues, the healthcare systems and the ailments experienced by the inhabitants of an extremely diverse and developing country.
IHI tries to contribute to healthcare and health promotion in India by assisting the efforts of organizations working in this field and it’s done by:
• Developing and fostering relationships and projects with key individuals and organizations
• Developing and gathering educational materials
• Collecting medical supplies, equipment and monetary donations for these organizations, and
• Increasing awareness of India’s culture and the problems faced by its people at the University of Western Ontario and the local Canadian community.
So here I am on my back deck, on line, following along with the IHI blog (again thanks to Joe Licklider and the IHI blog.) I read that it’s REALLY hot in India AND it looks really hot there, so I check the net (again thanks to Joe Licklider) and in India it’s about 98 f with no breeze and a humidly feeling like it’s well over 120 f! Yep, it’s hot! I look over at our barometer I can see it’s about 73 f and I can feel a slight breeze that tells me in no uncertain terms am I allowed to say today OR all summer “It’s too hot”. I try to remember if I have ever been heat over 100? Probably not, but probably complained like it was………..I’m kinda wimpy like that…..
I follow along in the IHI blog – “Contributions from IHI on behalf of all our friends back home. This year IHI contributed $5,000 CAD towards the various areas of FFC (Families For Children). Some of the key items include physiotherapy equipment (walkers, medicine balls, standing chairs, CP chair, balance boards, knee braces), stainless steel baby crib platform, feeding chairs, rexin sheets, insect control, school gates, writing desks. The remainder of the money will be directed towards the new boys vocational-training building for boys with special needs, and community members at large”.
As I read the blog, I stop and I listen, because I know I can hear our neighbours kids, riding their electric Barbie Porches up and down the sidewalk squealing in delight at their freedom and seeing who can go faster and who got to the driveway faster ……. wow what a contrast between here and there…………. yet when you look at the photos you can see smiles and fun and excitement………..and I read about the physiotherapy equipment and it brings my mind to Thursday, when I went for physio therapy and how I simply walk into the state of the art facility and work with my 2 therapists and how I can come home and continue my progress using my own equipment that I simply felt I needed, wanted and bought……………. BUT trust me, when I go back on Tuesday I will surely walk into that room look around and feel such gratitude…….

Social Networking: Business and Pleasure – Opportunity and Risk – By: Joy Jackson of www.cunnart.com

By: Joy Jackson of Cunnart – Communications via social networking has exploded in the past few years. Many organizations now recognize that it is a fantastic means of keeping in touch with customers. And for customers to tell each other what they like, and do not like, in the marketplace. Therein lies the rub. People can ‘like’ you – or they may not. They may say wonderful things about your organization, its products and services – or they may say terrible things. How your organization manages these extremes, and the many levels between them, will form your corporate image for better or worse. It’s a social filter that we haven’t learned yet. As Giles Crouch, chief executive officer of MediaBadger, a social media research and consulting firm in Halifax says: It’s like a formal dinner party. We don’t know what fork to use.” Unfortunately, many corporate managers are unfamiliar with the potential for social media to establish the corporate image as fast as emails can circle the world. (Or travel the corporate community!) Risk managers know that an unidentified risk is an un-managed risk. Public entities’ aversion to negative publicity is well known. Public entity risk managers should know, at the least, of the various dangers that exist in social media. This knowledge will prepare them to inform senior management of the hazards and possible solutions. Key threats include: Unapproved on-line use of trademarks and copyrighted materials – use of copyrighted photographs without the photographer’s permission. Negative statements by employees about the organization, its policies and procedures – a reprimanded employee who tells the world all that they see as wrong with their boss, managers and co-workers. Negative comments by employees about individuals or companies who do business with the organization – e.g. an employee who ranted about dealing with a citizen who complained about service. Publication of information deemed to be a private business matter until complete – e.g. a pending real estate deal. Protection of individuals’ privacy – deliberate or inadvertent release of personal informationOrganizations can begin managing social media risk by managing employee (and volunteer) expectations. Clear, concise corporate policies establish the employer’s boundaries and expectations. Without a policy, employees can argue that they were not provided guidance. Important points to consider when drafting your corporate policy are:1. You do not have to begin with a blank page. There are many template policies you can access to give you some ideas where to start.2. You will want your policy to be a clear, concise statement of the responsibilities, obligations rules that want your employees to use when networking.3. Review your existing policies. (e.g. respect in the workplace, confidentiality and internet usage) Then determine what needs to be done to create a policy that complies with privacy legislation.4. Outlawing the use of social media simply isn’t possible. You need to instill the understanding that, their on-line relationships are not permitted to jeopardize public images, or speak on behalf of the corporation without authorization, that policies relating to confidentiality, workplace respect, and so apply..5. Finally, be sure that employees are informed of the policy, its contents and how it will be enforced.By writing an up-to-date corporate policy that deals with social networking activities, you will be in a better position to reduce both legal liability and business risks while acknowledging the prevalence of social media in the lives of todays workers.

You Are Who You Are – Promote THAT

Brand, a name, logo, slogan, and/or design scheme associated with a product or service. Branding is the sum total of all the images and thoughts that people have in their heads about a particular company.

It’s important that your website is part of your brand. It’s important that your website reflects your business.

Don’t – settle for a website designed for the designers portfolio

Don’t – use a template UNLESS it can be customized 100% to NOT look like a template and to look like YOUR business

Don’t – have your website designed by the neighbors cousins uncles kid down the street from their mailman…….